At the UHURU Festival on the Weissenstein, I will give a Guided Group Self-Pleasuring in the Open Yurt on one evening. The Open Yurt stands for being together, diving down, sharing, jamming, touching, sharing experiences, playing, laughing, singing and being.
In the 90 min. I invite you on a self-discovery with yourself and your sexual energy, invite you to touch yourself and love yourself. In the self-love journey I accompany you into your body, into moving, into feeling, into conscious breathing, into self-touching and into sounding. Together we celebrate our sexual energy - moving away from a quick, tense, secret gratification to a relaxed, sensual, playful, no-security, free self-love. In the process, you can be as naked as you like.
Bring along: Cloth to lie on, blanket
Cost: free of charge
More information about the festival and the event: