Assistance at the seminarof Notburga Fischer & Mireille Jung
YOUNG GENERATION: 18 - 35 years
These days we are setting a new course for a fulfilling relationship life.
To encounter the history of my lived and unlived sexuality and awaken the potential in it.
Sexuality is not yet a redeemed issue in our society. That is why we seek liberation and fulfillment of our natural sexual being. We long for authentic and creative self-expression, where we are allowed to be who we are. And so we also want to be accepted by our close friends and companions. Especially also in our sexuality.
If we were truly mirrored in our sexual maturation by our parents, we could live a fulfilled sexuality in which we can refuel from within ourselves for life. However, we often end up in destructive dynamics with our loved ones and repeat old hurts that we experienced as children.
For whom:
The seminar is suitable for people who want to live a more authentic relationship with themselves and other people. For example, you are always drawn to similar situations and people in your life or you have formative events in your life story, which in some way prevent you from entering into a genuine relationship with yourself and other people. In this seminar we will give the body new experiences that will strengthen you on your further path in life.
>> Registration & more info here